Adopt your vines

Are you a wine lover who dreams of owning your own vineyard?

Attachment to the land of Israel and wine: A unifying bond for the diaspora worldwide

Israel occupies a special place in the hearts and minds of the Jewish community worldwide. Attachment to the land of Israel is deeply rooted in this cultural, religious and historical identity. And a central element of this attachment is wine. Wine still plays a symbolic and unifying role in the lives of Jews in the Diaspora, serving as a strong, tangible link with Israel.

In the Torah, wine is often associated with blessing and joy, and plays an essential role in the festivals and other celebrations that punctuate our Jewishness. For example, Kiddush on Shabbat, Pesach and wedding ceremonies are all marked by the sharing of wine. Wine is a symbol of abundance, joy and unity.

In recent years, Israeli wines have been gaining in quality, maturity and reputation. The vineyards, from the north to the south of the country, benefit from the best climates, with very different soils, which enable them to produce a diversity of grape varieties and high quality wines.

For this reason, Israeli wine is an essential part of Jewish heritage and identity, linking Jews around the world to MY-ERETZ-ISRAEL.

A few words about the concept

Enjoy the unique experience of owning a plot of vines in Israel, participating in the making of its vintage...and receiving your own personalized cuvée.

1. Select the domain of your choice

Several Israeli estates are on offer. It’s up to you to choose according to your tastes.

2. Choose the number of feet to adopt

Adopt a parcel of 6, 12 or 24 vines for yourself or a loved one, and at the end of the year you’ll receive a personalized cuvée bearing your name (1 vine = 1 bottle).

Choix formule

3. Choose the adoption formula of your choice

2 adoption methods: simple or with a visit to the estate. The choice is yours

4. Set your delivery frequency

Every 3 months, 6 months, or at the end of the adoption period, receive your bottles personalized with your name (1 foot = 1 bottle).

199 From
  • Receive your adoption certificate
  • Receive your welcome pack
  • Receive monthly news about your vineyard
  • Receive your name-branded cuvée (1 foot = 1 bottle)
267 Dès
  • Receive your adoption certificate
  • Receive your welcome pack
  • Receive monthly news about your vineyard
  • Receive your name-branded cuvée (1 foot = 1 bottle)
  • Visit your plot
  • Meet the winemaker
  • Taste local wines
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